To own a lot is just a burden. To own very little is a luxury

Re-use, Re-claim, Sustain
Grow things!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

re-purposed shower curtains

This thing, the blog I mean, is like exercise.  You do it for a bit and it feels great.....then you stop for a day or two and bang!  It is three month later.  However it is not as if I haven't been busy so I am going to post a lot of stuff all at once.  For now I wanted to show the way for me to use up tired shower curtains.  Some of them are made from a nice sturdy cotton and after numerous washings they have a great faded look.  So just cut off the grungy bottoms and there you go, nice yardage for large MARKET BAGS.

I also use the nylon liner as a liner for the bag that way if any spills happen then it will be easy as pie to clean up.  
These are quick, cheap, easy and a great way to recycle a huge piece of fabric that one would otherwise throw out.  

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