To own a lot is just a burden. To own very little is a luxury

Re-use, Re-claim, Sustain
Grow things!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's a beautiful day

This is a clutch I made from some spare pieces I had left.  A kiss lock frame recycled from a bag someone was throwing away and some scrap fabric left over from a previous project.  The fabric was only in small pieces so I had to make two panels and join them together in the middle with some black jet glass beads.  This was an experiment that turned out to be quite a nice bag! 
As you will see, this blog is a great way for me to show all the projects I am working on.  My site, for now just shows the bags I design, refashion and make......but there is so much more.  You'll see.  
The idea is to show how easy it is to create from what you already have.  To show the before pictures of the initial idea and to visually see the progress till the final project is done.  

See you later!

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