To own a lot is just a burden. To own very little is a luxury

Re-use, Re-claim, Sustain
Grow things!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just wanted a new jacket!

We had a warm day today and that always inspires me to clean out my closet.  With that I mean, what can I take that I never wear and then do something to it, so I will start wearing it.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but I never stop trying.  
Here is a brown jacket that I always enjoyed but it was too stiff looking.  I had a shrug from Old Navy (which I never wore) and the color matched great.  I took the sleeves of the jacket and replaced them with the bell sleeves from the shrug.  

I then took the wrap around belt from the sweater and covered the seams to finish it off.  

This was a success and I love it.  A bit more funky and comfortable, perfect for me.  

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